The Owl Creek Conservancy is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving natural and agricultural lands in the Knox County Area through widespread private action. We work with landowners for the public good to maintain and to improve the quality of life now and in the future by conserving farmlands, stream corridors, aquifer- and watershed-protection areas, wildlife habitats, woodlands, scenic vistas, and ecologically sensitive areas of environmental, historic, and community importance.
We can help you Leave a Legacy and protect your property from future development. With a land easement you have options! You can let your property remain a working farm permanently with crops, pastures and woodlots. Permanently protect the archaeological or historical heritage of your farm or open land. Protect permanently any existing wetlands, streams or other natural features on your property. Or you can keep your property as it is now and protect it permanently from inappropriate development. We’d love to discuss all these options with you! Please contact us via phone 740.392.6952 or email today!
The Owl Creek Conservancy is qualified to submit applications to the Local Agricultural Easement Purchase Program (LAEPP) for owners of farms in Knox County. Please use the drop down menu for more information on this program and contact us with questions or to inquire about applying for funding.
Chimney Swift towers have been in use since 1932. They provide nesting locations May through August as well as nightly shelter during spring and fall migrations. One tower costs approximately $600 in materials to build. If you’d like to be part of our initiative to build more towers for placement around Knox County, please consider donating to our cause!
Knox Soil and Water Conservation District
Knox County Regional Planning
Philander Chase Conservancy
Land Trust Alliance