Sophie says 'Please join and help us conserve land in Knox County, Ohio!'

Interested in becoming a member of Owl Creek Conservancy?

Shameless plug to pique your interest in joining our mission? Yes!  Plus, how can you say ‘No’ to that face?

We are passionate about what we do and would like to invite you to join us in our mission.  What's our mission?  To protect hunting grounds, prime farmland, the beautiful Kokosing River and well, basically preserving the overall rural nature of Knox County (and surrounding counties) in Ohio from future development.  Over here at the Owl Creek Conservancy office we are hard at work raising public awareness about the importance of preserving land from development.

Here in Ohio, we are witnessing first-hand an industry boom.  With that progress nearby cities and towns will soon start to swell with population growth.  This means there is an urgent demand for land from developers.  All this comes at a cost.  In order for growth and expansion to happen farmland, fields, forests, prairies and green spaces suffer.  They are cleared to make room for homes, retail stores, and everything that comes with development.

Help us safeguard the beautiful rolling hills and hardwood forests that our local wildlife calls home.  Together we can protect farmland and help keep fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grass-fed beef and more stay local, and who doesn't want that?

One question that we are commonly asked is ‘Do I have to own land to help your cause?’  The answer is no!  That’s part of the beauty of becoming a member of Owl Creek Conservancy.  For just $25 you can become a ‘Friend’ of the Conservancy (but if you are able to give more we have several membership tiers available!)  Since we are a non-profit, your money goes directly to helping us protect local wildlife habits, keeping the Kokosing River clean and preserving our natural landscapes for future generations to enjoy.  Doesn't that give you the warm fuzzies inside?  Join us today and do something you can thank your future self for!